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Creating Bases to Utilize the Teleport Gates
By Al Sterner, June 2024

There are a couple interesting features in the SubNautica game. A pair of linked teleport gates connecting the two small island, Mountain Island and Floating Island. These alien portals are hidden away in tough to find caves on the two islands. These gates can be activated by inserting an Ion Cube at the one on the Mountian Island.

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Mountian Island Base

Be sure you have the necessay components listed to the right to at least complete the 'Horizontal Tube Section'.

Start out on the Mountian Island by following the dirt path, past the alien complex, to the upper cave. In the cave, you will find a large triangle metal structure of alien design. If you haven't done so already, when you approach it, a pedestal opens up with a message to insert an Ion Cube. If you have one, insert it to activate the gate system.

NOTE: The Ion Cube can be recovered by exploring the alien complex. Be sure you scan the cube before picking it up to get the blueprint.

What you will need

Horizontal Tube Section
(7 tubes and 2 hatches)

Builder Tool
16 Titanium
2 Quartz

Horizontal Tube Section

To begin the base construction, exit the cave towards the west. The path down to another cave archway is the one you want. About halfway, you can look west down to the shoreline below. Find a spot where you have a clear sight path from the ledge down to the shore.

Using the builder tool, create a tube in line with the shore and slightly away from the ledge. It may take several tries to get this first critical piece in place. You know the positioning on the ledge is correct when you can place a hatch on the tube end and it connects to the cliff ledge as shown>.

Once the first piece is in place, enter the tube. You can continue building the horizontal tub sections from inside, but you will need to build the verticle tube section while standing on top of the tubes. To do this, construct a hatch on the ceiling of the first tube. Catching the right spot for placing the hatch can be tricky unless you have done them before. With the hatch installed, climb up. Walk to the end and create the next tube until you have at least seven in place.

Options; You can make several of the tube sections as glass tubes if you have the extra glass available. But, these can added later. Solar panels can also be placed on top and is easier to position on solid tubes.


Vertical Tube Section

Construction will have to be done using two tube sections as a platform. It is important to have all the materials you will need in your inventory before you begin. Once you start the process, you will have no way down without jumping off. Also, be sure your health is topped off, because there is a chance that you will end up falling.

While standing at the end of the horizontal tube section, use the construction tool to create a tube out away from and below the last tube. Make it close enough you can jump to it and can view the bottom of the last tube.

What you will need

Verticle Tube Section

28 Titanium
(14 verticle tubes)
10 Titanium
2 Quartz
(stair-step tubes)

Spare battery
First Aid Kit

Jump onto the 'platform tube' and move to one end. Create another tube below this tube. You may need to rotate it 90° so that it is pertendicular to the first tube as shown in the animation. Carefully step off and drop down to the lower tube. Deconstruct the upper tube.

Place the first vertical tube on the bottom of the last section of the horizontal tube. If your platform tube is too far away, you can add a tube to the end to get the right alignment. Continue this process, adding vertical tubes until you 're near the ground.

If you fall off while performing this procedure and are high up, you will need to go back up top and start over. If closer to the ground, you may be able to place a tube below the platform tube and create an Access Hatch on the side to enter the tube. Don't create it on the bottom as you won't be able to deconstruct it. From the inside create another Hatch on the ceiling and climb up.

The Base

With the Vertical Tube above the ground, create a Straight Tube with the end facing out towards the ocean. And to that, make a 3-Way Tube with a hatch. Enter the structure and create a Ladder where the Verticle and Straight Tubes connect. Just one Ladder will traverse the entire vertical length. This makes the trip to the top/bottom with just one click.

How you construct the rest of the base is up to you and your needs. But having it connect to a Moon Pool will benifit you the most.

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